Slušné ozbrojené přepadení


zloděj nakoupil, zaplatil, pak vytáhl bouchačku, omluvil se, vysvětli že nemá peníze a jeho děti nemají co jíst, vzal si peníze z kasy, ještě jedna omluva a nashledanou.. a pak že jsou na sebe lidi zlí..


8 komentářů

  1. Obdivuju i toho pokladníka. Když viděl, jaké potíže zloději krádež dělala, mohl toho využít a nic mu nedat. Pochybuju, že by ten mladík vystřelil nebo se uchýlil k násilí. Starý pán je evidentně taky dobrý člověk.
    Je docela pěkné vidět takovéhle „přepadení“, kde to člověk nedělá pro sebe, aby nemusel pracovat, jen kvůli lehce „vydělaným“ penězům, jak je tomu u nás.

  2. An armed robber has been arrested after what has been described as one of the politest cases of theft ever caught on camera.

    Entering a Shell petrol station in White Center, Seattle, Gregory Hess bought a cup of coffee and then calmly asked the man behind the counter to empty the cash register.

    Asking station owner John Henry to do him „a favour“, Hess, 65, then said: „Can you empty that till for me, please? Put it right there“.

    Confused, Mr Henry asked what Hess meant, only for the thief to repeat: „Put it right there,“ adding: „I’m robbing you“.

    Capturing the entire exchange on CCTV, Hess can be seen brandishing what appears to be a real handgun.

    Despite the weapon though, Mr Henry insists that Hess remained as polite as possible throughout, even apologising profusely as he handed over $300.

    Thank you very much, I really appreciate it. And I’m sorry. And if I ever get back on my feet again, sir, I’ll bring it back.

    Gregory Paul Hess

    As the robbery continued, Hess can be heard saying: „I’m really sorry to do this, but I’ve got kids.“

    Mr Henry offered him an alternative, suggesting he take $40 instead to help him out.

    The thief declined the offer, though, saying: „Well, I can’t do that sir. I’ve got rent to pay. I’ve got bills, and the kids need to eat.“

    Before leaving, Hess bade farewell with a promise: „Thank you very much, I really appreciate it. And I’m sorry.

    „And if I ever get back on my feet again, sir, I’ll bring it back.“

    The robbery occurred on Saturday morning, with Hess being arrested on Monday after the CCTV footage became a YouTube hit and helped police identify him.

    The King County Sheriff’s office has since confirmed that Hess has a history of criminal activity, having been convicted of armed robbery and forgery in the past.

    Police said Hess would be charged with one count of armed robbery

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